Some fees have changed slightly!
Traditional Services
Short Manuscript Editing by Jena O’Connor
Minimum fee of $100 dollars for short manuscripts
Turn-Around Time– Will be completed in 14 days or less
Quick Clean-Up by Jena (basic proofread: 1 quick read)
This service is recommended for authors who are already in the publishing process and need a second set of eyes to locate typing/scanning errors only! (No other editing will be done unless specifically requested).
- Quick read of an already formatted document (pdf or MOBI file)
- Surface editing for typographical errors/scanning or formatting errors/missing punctuation, etc…
- Editor will provide a detailed errors report that will list the location of errors to be corrected by formatter
.006/word-up to 55,000 words
.005/word-55,000 words or more
Copy Edit by Jena (1 careful read)
.008/word –up to 55,000 words
.007/word-55,000 words or more
- Surface editing for grammatical, spelling and typographical errors
- Minor revisions to clarify sentence structure, word usage (corrections suggested, never changed without your permission)
- Turn-Around Time– Copy edits will be completed in 7 days or less
Developmental Edits by Jena
One-Round Developmental Edit (1 story edit, with editorial letter)
…in case you are running short on time, but still need to address story issues.
- .01/word-up to 55,000 words
- .009/word- 55,000 words or more
Two-Round Development Edit by Jena
(2 complete reads, two rounds of editing)
.014/word-up to 55,000 words
.013/word-55,000 words or more
- Surface editing for grammatical, spelling, typographical errors
- Minor revisions to clarify sentences
- In-depth check of consistency, organization, and historical accuracy
- Commentary on “story elements”: character, conflict, point of view, etc…
- An Editorial Letter listing suggestions for improving the story
- Turn-Around Time– 1-2 weeks for each round of editing
After the Round One Edit, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision. Authors generally take a week or two to make changes and then return the new and improved manuscript to me for a second round of editing.
Series Bible by Jena
- What is a series bible? A series bible is a comprehensive document that can include any and all of the following:
- a “family tree” of the major characters in your series
- a timeline of events
- a detailed description of every major AND minor character mentioned in your series, what he or she looks like, acts like, does for a living and who he or she is related to
- a “cast of characters” for each book in the series
- a chapter-by-chapter synopsis for each book in your series
- imbedded links to help you navigate the document
- word document format
- other formatting at customer request for additional fees
.007/word (words calculated from manuscripts)
Timeline for completion: usually approximately 1 week per book in series (4 weeks for a 4-book series)
$35.00/hour- Adding additional content after the completion of initial bible or transferring information to other formats.
Cancellation Fee
A $100 cancellation fee will be charged if you cancel/reschedule 14 or fewer days in advance.
If you cancel less than 3 days prior to your edit or send an incomplete manuscript, you will be charged for the complete agreed upon fee.